Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Newton's Laws

You may not realize it but when you skateboard to school, push a shopping cart, throw a football, and maybe even drive places you are using Newtons Laws. As one can see, Newton's Laws are used in everyday life. Newton's Law #1 states that an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon an unbalanced force. Lets take a football for example, if a football is lying on the ground it will remain in that spot, it won't suddenly jump up without a force acting upon it. Now, if an earthquake occurred near the football the football would then move because the earthquakes force is making it move. Another example is if I am riding on my bicycle and I fall off. The bicycle won't fall down right away; The object in motion will stay in motion. Newton's Law #2 or "law of inertia" states that force equals mass multiplied by acceleration. For instance, if I'm in the grocery store pushing a shopping cart full with groceries it will be hard to push. However, if I push twice as hard to make it go it will then accelerate twice as much. Then, if i push a shopping cart that's empty it will accelerate in the direction that I pushed it. Next, if it gets twice the mass it will accelerate twice as much. Newton's Law #3 says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In easier words, when one object gives off force on another object, the second object gives an equal strength in the opposite direction. For instance, when a space rocket is launched into the air in order for the rocket to go up it has to have force. Therefore the fire, which is going in the opposite direction than the rocket, gives off as much force as the rocket is as its heading up. This is a perfect example of how there is an equal (both giving equal force) and opposite (one object going up and the other going down) force. These are the first three out of all of Newton's Laws.
From learning about Newton's Laws I now know that I use Newton's Laws every single day! Yes, we may not realize when we are using them, but they are a huge part of our life. Without Newton's Laws we wouldn't understand the concept of forces and gravity.

More about Newton's Laws can be found at these sites...

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