Thursday, April 26, 2007

3-D glasses aren't only for the movies!

When you see the sun in pictures you usually are looking at a 2-D yellow circle. Actually, the sun has way more depth then you might think. A group of journalists and scientists were seen wearing 3-D glasses in a room. You might think that 3-D glasses are only for the movies, however, they're used for the sun as well! The space craft STEREO took 3-D pictures of the sun. NASA says it will now be easier to see eruptions on the suns surface. These two space crafts were launched in October. One was in front of the other making the 3-D image possible. As I previously mentioned, this helps out scientists a lot. Now, they can learn more about solar flares, a type of solar eruption called coronal mass ejection, overloading power lines and disrupting satellite communications. Also, scientists have been researching solar storms on other planets and the sun. Solar flares are one of the main types of eruption on the sun. Solar flares blow a billion tons of the sun's atmosphere into space at a speed of 1 million miles per hour. Scientist are also now worried that the eruptions can endanger astronauts on spacewalks. This means that the solar flares heat can greatly effect the temperature in space. When I first saw this article I was intrigued by the 3-D picture so I wanted to read more about how they managed to get the picture taken. After reading I've learned that new discoveries are occurring almost everyday and these discoveries could maybe help us and our future.

My information....

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