Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Wattieza Tree

Off the top of my head the most common trees I can name are Pine, Oak, Evergreen, Spruce, Palm tree, and Maple. However there was one tree that was never discovered, until now. This tree is called the Wattieza tree. This tree was standing millions of years ago until one day, as suspected, a gigantic storm hit and the tree came crashing down and was buried under muddy water. A few years later the muddy water turned into sedimentary rock. It wasn't until so may years later that Frank Mannolini came by with a hammer ready to search for fossils in Albany, New York. Surprisingly he stumbled across the fossils of the Wattieza tree. He uncovered all parts of the tree, and its branches as well. This tree is the oldest tree known! Mannolini took the trees pieces to museums where they tried to glue all the pieces back together. From looking at the pieces of this tree it was like a huge jigsaw puzzle! Also, Mannolini discovered that this tree was not only the oldest tree but it came from the oldest forest too. From reading this article, I learned that even though you might find one fossil you can still find out a lot more about the world from it. This tree can tells us more about nature. If you would like to read more about this article visit...

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