Sunday, February 4, 2007

Are we the cause of Global Warming???

I'm sure that when you 're watching the news or when you 're walking outside on a bright sunny day you hear or think about Global Warming; however, you just ignore it and think that the world will go on as it always has. Well, Global Warming is very important to our future, and believe it or not, we are the cause of it. You may not realize it, but whenever you or your parents use gas you 're polluting the air and contributing to Global Warming.


We are the cause of Global Warming around the world.


Global Warming is man made greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We create these gases by fuels like methane and carbon dioxide releasing into the air. These gases trap heat near the surface- this is known as the greenhouse effect.The greenhouse effect is when human activities burn energy. When this happens the planet's temperature rises and effects the climate.


Where is Global Warming happening? Well, it's Global so it's occurring all around the world. Almost eleven out of the last twelve years have been the hottest years on record. We can notice it in the Northern Hemisphere and we can see it in the global sea rise. IT'S ALL OVER THE PLACE!


Scientist's say that the1990's were the warmest decade on record! They also observed that the Global Warming over the last 50 years was "due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations due to human activities" George Bush says that he is planning on stopping the growth of carbon dioxide from cars, light trucks and other vehicles within 10 years!


Global Warming has been happening for many years. Because of our human activities we have caused hotter days and nights, terrible heat waves than ever before, heavier rainfall, and major droughts in some regions of the world.

My Opinion:

When I first started reading this current event article I, too, never really cared much about the Global Warming. I knew that we polluted quite a bit but never thought that much to create so much Global Warming. The humans are to blame for this. If we want the world to flourish with warm days in the summer (but not too warm) and cold days in the winter, we need to take more care of our Earth. During the winter of 2006 and 2007 I was really disappointed because we didn't really get any snow. Then, I realized that it was because of all the Global Warming occurring. Because of all the carbon dioxide we are effecting the earth. We need to be more considerate and think before we drive down the block when we could easily ride our bikes or walk there. So, START RIDING YOUR BIKE, and the world will be a better place. <33

If you want to find out more about Global Warming, visit this website!!!!

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