Thursday, May 15, 2008


Tornadoes, Cyclones, and Hurricanes are three of the most disastrous things on Earth. Tornadoes are extremely destructive and powerful. A tornado is shaped like a funnel and has very high wind speed reaching up to 350 kilometers per hour. Have you ever wondered what was happening inside a tornado? Well, the air pressure at the bottom is very low. When it reaches the surface of the Earth it acts like a vacuum. A tornado can happen when cool, dry air come into contact with warm, moist air. Tornadoes don't last very long only a few minutes.
Example: Nebraska Tornado tossed a 225-kilogram baby grand piano across a field. ( Watch the movie Twister)
Cyclones are an area of low pressure that consists of rising warm air. A cyclone spins because the cooler air overpowers the warm rising air causing it to therefore spin. Winds in a cyclone travel counterclockwise. When a cyclone occurs it usually results in rainy stormy weather and massive destruction.
Example: The most recent cyclone that occurred in Myanmar near Thailand.
A hurricane is very similar to a cyclone. Hurricane mostly form over the Ocean. The warm and moist air in the hurricane rises and the cooler air slowly moves in. The forming hurricane starts to spin, The air pressure in the middle decreases so therefore more air is drawn to the already spinning winds on the outer edges. The spinning air forms a circular wall of intense winds that reach 120-320 kilometers per hour. Inside the eye of the hurricane the air is calm because the wind went to the outside. There are many different categories of hurricanes that tell us how extreme they are. Example: Hurricane Katrina was a massive hurricane that wiped out New Orleans.
I think tornadoes, cyclones, and hurricanes are fascinating but devastating.

My Sources:

Exploring Earth's Weather Book

Artic Tale

In the movie Arctic Tale, a lot of real world issues are portrayed. For example, mothers have to leave their young at a much earlier age than expected, the animals have to survive the extreme climate changes, and have to struggle to get the resources they need in order to survive. Arctic Tale is about a polar bear, Nanu, and a seal, Seela. Together they try to survive while the Arctic is quickly melting beneath them. Because the ice is melting earlier than expected Nanu's mother has to leave Nanu. Her mother made this hard decision because the only chance for either one of them surviving was if they didn't stay together. The extreme climate changes that are occurring in the Arctic is unrealistic to the animals, but it's happening. They want to stay in their herds but the chance of finding food for all of them is slim. The Arctic Ocean starts to expand because the ice takes longer to freeze and faster to melt. It is difficult to find a place to live. Global Warming is taking a toll on all of these animals lives. These animals are dying at an earlier age and becoming more and more extinct each day. In the movie, Nanu and Seela both struggle to find food. Nanu grows more hungry each day and finally, found food. However, it was up to a strong male polar bear if he was willing to share his find. Nanu eventually does get some food into her small body, however she is still hungry. Seela also encounters many dangers while trying to find a place to live. She is almost eaten and has to take a brutal fall down a steep cliff. The most interesting fact in this movie to me, was that if this continues to occur the Arctic will be ice free by 2040!

To find out more about the movie, Arctic Tale go to these sites...